Scoot Sky High Fun 360 / VR

Sky High Fun in Virtual Reality

Creating a new point of view for the Scoot experience.

Viewers are beckoned onboard a Scoot Boeing 787 Dreamliner in a 360 interactive VR showcase. Guided tours of the cabins allow viewers to experience the various spaces: ScootinSilence, ScootBiz or Scoot Economy. Happy children, gyrating holiday-makers, a floating yogi and a robot or two blend together to fire the imagination. The vision of moving through the starlit sky highlights the promise of fun, excitement and possibilities offered upon boarding a flight on the Scoot Dreamliner.

The construction of this project called for a high degree of experience as the complexity of the project involved a 360 shoot on the Dreamliner. A design challenge was the animated CGI figures, based on the airline’s branding and existing illustrated marketing characters.

  • Motion Capture
  • App Development
  • 360
  • Animation

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology.

We mixed creativity with technical skills for an impactful experience.

To animate these characters to feature in the VR content, Untitled Project used motion capture and 3D modelling.

Holistic Production

We created everything from scratch, in-house.

Untitled Project created and produced the VR landscape from game and character animation, voice recognition technology creation through to the entire interactive game-play adventure.

360 Match Moving
30+ Characters Created
Bespoke Ambisonic VR Player
Full Body and Facial Motion Capture
Photogrammetry to design Digital Twin
Social Media Strategy

The Result

Reasonable, competitive and highly efficient.

Using immersive VR content, we highlighted the practical advantages of flying with Scoot: more personal space, a varied choice of meals, Wi-Fi and in-flight entertainment options. At the same time, we used the VR experience to engage potential customers on a deeper level by showing how Scoot manages to offer a range of onboard flight options to suit each individual. We also highlighted how, with all the advantages, Scoot is still able to offer reasonable and competitive prices. United Project is thrilled with this project, which is our first venture into VR.

Part of the success of the project is the custom VR player which allows clients to move effortlessly through the virtual cabins. Another important aspect is the ambisonic spatial audio used to enhance the aural element. Using 360 videos in various languages on social media, we have illustrated and promoted the multiple benefits the airline has to offer.

As the roll-out takes place in nine countries including China, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia, pop-up VR advertising areas will be created in high traffic zones in the individual markets.
