The Brief

With the fast changing IT and supply chain segment, Certis aims to revolutionize security where supply chain fraud is concerned. Certis is able to combat food & pharmaceutical fraud and food safety with its newly launched advanced security system that has advanced blockchain technology integrated, a digital fingerprint is utilized on traceability. When data is modified, this fingerprint is altered and the changes are visible to everyone with access to the blockchain.

How do you explain the benefits of blockchain to producers, an audience unfamiliar with this type of technology?

How do you create a way to present that holds the audience’s attention on complex subjects they may otherwise be daunted by?

  • 360 Animation
  • Stereoscopic
  • Interactive VR
  • 360 / VR

360 Drone Videography and POV capture using the latest robotic Mantis Dolly system.

3D Projection Mapping

Our Approach

Certis together with Untitled Project have formulated a creative approach to strategically host a captive audience of B2B users. One of the key components that took place during the product launch was the utilization of trailblazing technology – Virtual Reality (VR). The content of the VR presentation created an immersive experience to launch this new service, and would be able to cut through the technical jargon of blockchain, break down the audiences perceptions, and conveys how this new technology fits into the supply chain to save lives through storytelling approach.



A high octane product launch event took place at the Executive Briefing Centre’s. The launch was for leading system integrators in Asia Pacific to experience the new digital-record keeping solution in real-time. The immersive content was not akin to the regular Certis experience and this encapsulated Certis’ forward-thinking mindset to navigate the ever-changing landscape of security solutions.

Untitled Project designed and created an immersive, interactive, projection mapped space for the Executive Briefing Center. This room would be a permanent installation at Certis Cisco’s HQ to both launch their new service and sell other services to existing and potential customers and acts as a consumer touch point.


Redefining the Industry:

Brand Positioning and reach

Certis Secured Digital Records will be Singapore’s first end-to-end digitally secured framework which will transform the supply chain landscape and differentiate Certis from their competitors. Integrated with blockchain’s advanced technology, a digital fingerprint is utilized on traceability. When data is modified, this fingerprint is altered and the changes are visible to everyone with access to the blockchain.

Over 452,766 Media Impression Garnered:
Includes online media features from The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao and The Newpaper as well as from post interactions on respective social media platforms.
