AirBnb Projection Mapping

Projection mapped Balinese villa.

Showcasing AIRbnb’s flagship residences, with the power of projection mapping we took users on a journey they would never forget.

  • Animation
  • Immersive
  • Projection Mapping

Projection Mapped Art Installation to Promote AIRBNB

Part of Design Week’s series of events.

Hosted at Singaplural Art festival, the AirBNB Welcome Home villa was a joint activation by Untitled Project and GOVT Agency. Together we were tasked with creating a memorable experience that would take members of the public on a magical whistle stop journey around the key properties in AirBNB’s  prime locations.

Immersing People in Branded content

Mind-bending mixed reality experiences.

The experience allowed up-to 20 people at a time to take part in this immersive journey. Led by a brand ambassador in full Balinese dress, he was provided an iPad to control the experience and take the users from one country to the next. Each press of a button would transform every surface in the room.
