URA Masterplan 2019

Project Overview

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) commissioned us to create a large-scale, immersive showcase for the launch of Singapore’s Draft Master Plan 2019. The objective was to communicate the future of Singapore’s urban development through compelling spatial design and immersive projection mapping. Housed at the Singapore City Gallery, the centerpiece of this installation was a projection-mapped architectural model of the island, highlighting key growth areas, sustainability efforts, and infrastructure projects.

URA Masterplan 2019
City Gallery, URA
Urban Redevelopment Authority

Key Objectives

Engage and Educate Visitors:
Leverage experience design and advanced technology to help visitors understand the complexity of Singapore’s long-term urban planning strategies.

Showcase Key Developments:
Highlight major projects, such as the Western Gateway (Jurong Lake District, Tengah Housing District) and the Northern Coast (Woodlands to Punggol), through dynamic 3D animation production.

Create an Interactive Experience:
Use an interactive projection-mapped wall and real-time touchpoints to allow visitors to explore various themes of Singapore’s future developments.

Seamless Integration with the Architectural Model:
Ensure the projection content and post-production services delivered a flawless visual experience that aligned with Singapore’s geography on the island-wide model.

Creative Concept

We leveraged the spatial design that integrated a 12 x 5.5 meter projection-mapped architectural model, supported by 3D animation production to bring Singapore’s future developments to life. The installation was divided into distinct sections, each focusing on a different theme from the Draft Master Plan:

Introduction to Singapore’s Growth:
Using immersive projection mapping, we presented a time-lapse showing Singapore’s evolution from its early days to its modern development, enhanced with post-production services to ensure crisp, engaging visuals.

Growth Corridors and Key Areas:
The interactive projection-mapped wall highlighted the new growth areas such as Jurong Lake District and Tengah, showcasing these regions through 3D animation production. The projection visually illustrated how these areas would decentralize urban activity and promote sustainability.

Sustainable Infrastructure:
The experience featured Singapore’s key sustainability projects, including the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System and the expanded Park Connector Network, utilizing immersive projection mapping to illustrate these future initiatives. The seamless blending of projections with the spatial design of the model brought these forward-thinking concepts to life.

Future-Proofing the City:
The projection mapped the underground developments planned for Singapore, showing how subterranean spaces would be maximized for utilities and storage. The use of 3D animation production and post-production services ensured a dynamic and visually engaging presentation.

Campaign Results

High Visitor Engagement:
The combination of experience center spatial design, projection-mapped architectural models, and interactive features kept visitors engaged and provided an intuitive understanding of Singapore’s urban future.

Clear Highlighting of Growth Areas:
The use of immersive projection mapping and 3D animation production effectively showcased key growth corridors like the Western Gateway and Northern Coast, raising awareness and public interest.

Memorable Visitor Experience:
The blending of digital technology and spatial design provided a seamless, immersive journey through Singapore’s future, with visitors leaving the exhibition with a clear understanding of the city’s development plans.

Positive Public Reception:
The exhibit, enhanced by post-production services and interactive components, received praise for its innovative approach to explaining the government’s vision for Singapore’s urban landscape.

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