3D Anamorphic Campaign, Out-of-Home Advertising

Lazada 3D Out Of Home Campaign

Project Overview

Lazada celebrated its 10th anniversary with a bold, innovative approach to out-of-home (OOH) advertising. The goal was to create a dynamic and immersive 3D anamorphic experience at TenSquare in Singapore, showcasing Lazada’s journey and growth over the past decade. The installation needed to attract attention, engage passers-by, and reinforce Lazada’s position as a leading e-commerce platform.

Lazada 3D Out Of Home Campaign
Tensquare, Singapore

Key Objectives

Celebrate Lazada’s 10th Anniversary:
Develop a visually striking 3D OOH campaign that highlights Lazada’s journey over the past decade.

Engage the Public:
Create an eye-catching installation that grabs the attention of pedestrians and drivers, encouraging social media sharing and creating buzz.

Enhance Brand Awareness:
Reinforce Lazada’s brand as a pioneering force in Southeast Asia’s e-commerce space by delivering an immersive, futuristic campaign.

Leverage Innovation:
Utilize 3D anamorphic technology to create a memorable and impactful visual experience in one of Singapore’s busiest areas.

Creative Concept

We designed and executed a 3D anamorphic campaign at the TenSquare billboard, incorporating Lazada’s branding elements with bold and colorful visuals that represented the company’s evolution. The curved screen at TenSquare allowed us to develop a dynamic display that spanned across three panels, with the central panel providing the main viewing angle.

The concept featured Lazada’s logo and its iconic shopping bag transforming and interacting with various celebratory elements, such as gifts bursting out in 3D. These objects appeared to break free from the billboard, adding depth and movement to the experience. The bright, playful visuals highlighted Lazada’s successful decade in the market while maintaining its fun and approachable brand personality.

Campaign Results

Massive Public Engagement:
The 3D anamorphic screen generated significant interest from both pedestrians and drivers passing by the busy TenSquare location. Its eye-catching visuals became a popular attraction, with many people stopping to view and photograph the display.

Social Media Buzz:
The installation went viral on social media, with users sharing videos and images of the dynamic campaign. This significantly increased Lazada’s visibility and engagement during their 10th-anniversary celebrations.

Brand Strengthening:
The campaign successfully reinforced Lazada’s reputation as an innovative leader in the e-commerce space, aligning the brand with cutting-edge technology and creative marketing.

Memorable Experience:
The 3D OOH campaign left a lasting impression, making Lazada’s 10th anniversary not just a celebration but a public event that people in Singapore would remember.

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