The Clubhouse

Project Overview

The Clubhouse wanted to create an immersive environment for its members that would blend technology with sophisticated interior design. We were tasked with delivering interactive projection mapping across the venue’s ceiling and backwall. The goal was to seamlessly integrate technology into the space, providing dynamic, interactive moments throughout the day while maintaining an elegant, modern aesthetic.

The Clubhouse

Key Objectives

Design an Immersive Environment:
Create Asia’s largest projection mapped ceiling that transitions seamlessly from day to night, enhancing the ambiance of the space.

Integrate Hidden Technology:
Discreetly install 20k lumen projectors within the walls to keep the technology invisible, adding to the sense of magic within the space.

Create Interactive Experiences: Implement interactive projection mapping momnts that engage visitors and provide unique content for VIPs.

AI-Powered Custom Experiences:
Integrate AI facial detection for personalized content, greeting VIPs as they enter.

Creative Concept

We worked closely with the Clubhouse’s interior design team to ensure that the spatial design would support the projection mapping system without interrupting the aesthetic flow of the space. Early involvement in the design process allowed us to discreetly place the high-lumen projectors within the walls, ensuring that they were completely hidden from view. This careful integration made the technology imperceivable, creating a magical experience for guests as they entered the Clubhouse.

The interactive projection mapping content filled both the ceiling and the backwall, with dynamic animations that shifted throughout the day. During the daytime, the ceiling displayed animated skies and natural themes, and as sunset approached, the projection transitioned into a night-time setting with subtle shifts in lighting and mood.

To create these animations, we used 3D animation production techniques, ensuring the visuals were as immersive as possible. Special interactive moments were triggered by movement, providing a personalized experience for guests and adding to the sense of wonder. The backwall featured a 3D projection mapped wall, which included custom content for VIP events, making the space feel unique for each occasion.

Additionally, the AI-powered facial detection system allowed us to deliver customized greetings for VIPs, enhancing their experience as soon as they entered. These personalized touches, powered by real-time data, elevated the overall engagement at the projection mapping event.

Campaign Results

Seamless Integration:
The use of hidden projectors within the walls maintained the clean, sophisticated look of the space while delivering powerful projection mapping content. Visitors were captivated by the sense of magic created by the imperceivable technology.

Immersive Interactive Experiences:
The dynamic spatial design and experience design elevated the overall ambiance of the Clubhouse. Interactive moments, powered by 3D animation production, engaged guests throughout the day, adding depth to the experience.

Custom VIP Experiences:
The integration of AI facial detection allowed for personalized content, making each VIP feel uniquely greeted upon entering. This use of post-production services enhanced the interactive aspects of the space.

Day-to-Night Transition:
The animated transitions between daytime and nighttime were seamless, creating a natural shift in atmosphere and ambiance, contributing to the Clubhouse’s goal of creating an evolving space.

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