Why is 360-degree content important in today’s hypercompetitive era?

December 18, 2018

Technology is evolving rapidly. All those businesses that want to remain relevant in today’s competitive age need to evolve with this evolution. Of course, not each and every piece of tech thrown your way is important for your brand. But some things are important all right.

As of now, there’s a piece of tech that’s used for creating a 360-degree video—and it’s important for brands. As it’s evident from its name, a 360-degree video is the one that includes a 360-degree field of view. The main highlight of such a content piece is that a viewer can get immersed in the shot environment from a variety of perspectives.

This viewing experience is highly engaging—that’s what’s fuelling this tech’s growing popularity in the first place. Nevertheless, 360 degree content isn’t just limited to pure entertainment only. It’s observed for having a quite significant impact on the corporate world as well.

This is what Google found

Recently, Google carried out an experiment for comparing the performance of a conventional video ad with a 360-degree video advertisement. Both of them were unlisted and non-promoted, but they had a quite measurable CTA (call-to-action) at their end.

The results of the video were pretty interesting, though. The 360-degree content never did too well in terms of view-through rates, but its click-through rates skyrocketed. Also, the 360-degree video content was more viewed, shared, and subscribed.

To be precise, the view count of the all-new 360-degree video was 46 per cent higher than the views earned by the standard video. That means all the people who actually watched this 360-degree ad content were more likely to share it when compared with those who viewed the traditional ad content.
Overall, 360-degree content production is more cost-efficient than a traditional video production. That is, the cost-per-view of a 360-degree content piece will be lower than the one invested in creating a standard video.

The final takeaway is that a viewer will engage more with well-shot 360-degree videos.

Why 360 degree content is so popular, to begin with?

You’re now most probably wondering why that 360-degree video advertisement did so well in Google’s experiment? Well, the answer is simple—360 degree content lets its viewers engage better and delight more.

Why? Because this content format is very immersive. To be more specific, this content format enables its viewers to take complete control of what they’re seeing. A study found that people love what they can control—and that’s precisely what a 360 VR production film is delivering; it’s giving its viewers the ability to set the narrative of the content.

Now that you know the importance of 360-degree content in your video marketing strategy, it’s time to understand how you can make the most of this format.

This is how your brand can produce interactive 360 degree content like a pro

Producing a 360-degree video isn’t different from shooting a standard video. The core principles remain the same—your message and your target audience. You need to just leverage all the benefits that 360-degree content brings to the table, but never let the entire production process overpower you.

The thing is, you can quickly get overwhelmed by all the technical aspects of producing a 360-degree video. That’s why it’s better to have the support of experts while designing and deploying such immersive content.

That’s where Untitled Project steps in.

Untitled Project has rich experience in designing and delivering spherical video content that delights its viewers. The agency has worked with leading brands and top-tier TV networks for developing 360 content.

This company has even delivered top-class monoscopic and stereoscopic content for renowned names such as Group M and Universal Studios. So, what’s the wait for? If you want to develop immersive 360-degree branded content, you know the name of the studio that delivers real results.
