Which company is the best one for AR in Asia?

December 28, 2018

Augmented reality, or AR, is one-of-its-kind mobile technology for mixing the physical and virtual worlds in real time. Initially, AR was often dismissed as a sci-fi concept—as a fantasy of sorts. But, now, this new piece of tech has brought a smartphone revolution; it has successfully made its way into the real world.

This technology, however, is still new—and many enterprises in Asia are beginning to use it for pushing the boundaries of what’s considered real. Some of the avant-garde brands of today are already using this new technology for developing experiences that challenge, delight, and engage.

So, does your brand want to make the most of this new AR revolution? If so, you’ll need to team up with a player that knows AR inside out. You’ll need the expertise and experience of Untitled Project by your side.

Untitled Project—creating immersive brand experiences

What you see isn’t what you always get. Which is why, AR offers a big digital canvas for not just product enhancements but even interactive gaming. The finest examples of using AR should delight and inspire consumers through innovation and insight. That’s what Untitled Project is doing.

Many trade pundits even believe that AR will supersede VR with time and will break out of that enclosed headset’s restriction. That’s why Untitled Project wants every brand to capitalise on the raw power that AR brings to the table.

While the company has worked with the earliest breeds of AR such as Vuforia SDK, it has even played with modern AR apps such as Apple’s AR Kit and Facebook AR. What’s more? The company has even developed many proprietary AR toolkits; the company has even developed web-based AR kits that are platform agnostic out and out.

It’s got the experience in creating AR–empowered content for a variety of head-mounted displays and Microsoft Hololens. Besides, the company even has the know-how of using cutting-edge platforms such as Unreal and Unity. The company has delivered a complete array of prototype solutions that work on different mobile platforms such as iOS ARKit and Facebook AR.

So, if you want your brand to get engaging content that reflects its voice, you’ll need Untitled Project’s AR expertise in your corner.

In short, Untitled Project removes the barriers that brands usually face while embracing AR. So, get in touch with Untitled Project’s AR experts right away and discuss your project requirements with them. This way, you’ll know exactly how your brand can unlock the true potential of AR.