What is Extended Reality?

December 12, 2020

Extended Reality (XR) extends the reality we live in. Used as an umbrella term to describe all the immersive technologies that link the physical and virtual worlds, XR changes the way we see and interact with the world around us. To better understand what it involves, let’s take a closer look at the three immersive technologies that currently make up the backbone of Extended Reality.

Augmented Reality: Through a combination of digital 3D overlays and real-time production, AR augments and seamlessly enhances the physical world around us, blurring the lines between what’s real and what’s digital.  

Virtual Reality: VR fully immerses users into interactive simulated environments through a blend of wearable technology and 360° digital content.

Mixed Reality: Otherwise known as Hybrid Reality, MR merges both AR and VR in real-time to create environments in which users can fully interact with digital elements overlayed over the physical world.

In terms of growth and popularity, experts estimate the XR market to be worth a jaw-dropping $209 billion by 2022. Moreover, up to 34% of current XR company stakeholders predict the tech will become mainstream within the next 4–5 years.

In other words, XR is off to a great start. As it makes its way into everything from retail to real estate, XR is set to revolutionize the way certain industries work, particularly real-time production and live entertainment.

Extended Reality and Real-Time Production

Advancements in animation and CGI technology allow filmmakers to place their subjects in practically any environment. Until now, this was primarily limited to post-production and rendering, with real-time production restricted almost exclusively to background visuals during live performances. However, the increasing popularity of immersive technologies in an experience-driven world meant that they would eventually find their way into the entertainment industry. Enter Extended Reality.

Combining advanced production techniques with immersive technologies, the beauty of XR in the entertainment world is that it offers production companies the opportunity to create engaging and immersive live content. Powered by technologies like AR and MR, production teams use cutting-edge rendering tools and technologies, like Unreal Engine and camera tracking, to produce realistic visuals in real-time. And we’re not talking about post-production effects either, we’re talking about live, visible effects like the ones used for Katy Perry’s iconic performance on American Idol.

Visuals in XR-driven performances are completely produced and rendered in real-time, reacting instantly to movements tracked by cameras or other triggers. Production companies then take advantage of strategically placed LED screens or projection surfaces to display live content from the camera’s point of view. Add the interactivity offered by immersive technologies into the mix and you’ve got a truly mesmerizing performance.

What Does the Future Hold for Extended Reality?

As more and more investors continue to back immersive technologies, future possibilities for XR are seemingly endless. However, just like with many things, brands determined to take full advantage of the technology need to get in on it early.

Specializing in real-time production, Singapore XR studio Untitled Project is backed by an arsenal of cutting-edge tools like Unreal Engine and has a history of creating virtual masterpieces. With experience working on virtual productions for some of the world’s leading brands, including Conrad Maldives, Scoot Air, and Diageo, we’re here to help you stand out from the crowd. Connect with us today to find out more.