WebAR: Reinventing Augmented Reality Retail

March 16, 2020

With roughly 63% of retail brands either rolling out or considering adopting augmented reality (AR) over the next couple of years, it’s a clear sign that the technology will play a significant role in the future of the retail industry. AR’s value in retail has already been proven on numerous occasions across the globe, but, despite this, up to 52% of retailers still feel like they’re not prepared to adopt the technology. Are you among those 52%?

While there’s no denying that AR retail experiences take customer engagement to a whole new level, too many retailers feel like the tech is solely the domain of big-name brands. Rolling out everything from simple touch screen kiosks and interactive video walls, to incredible interactive projection-mapped wall displays, both tech companies and big retailers alike have been experimenting with and using AR to enhance their consumers’ retail experiences for a few years now - but this doesn’t mean that you need to hire huge development teams or have a limitless budget to leverage the benefits offered by AR.

The Growth of WebAR

One of the biggest developments in AR recently has been the explosive growth experienced in 2019. Essentially, WebAR is a form of augmented reality accessible through ordinary web browsers. This means that consumers can now access AR experiences straight from their smartphone, tablet, or computer without having to download a dedicated app – making them much more likely to engage with what retailers have to offer.

While this might not seem like anything special at first, the fact that WebAR allows for augmented reality experiences through common web browsers opens up a whole new world of opportunities for seamless AR experiences. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, WebAR is accessible to retailers of all shapes and sizes.

Advantages of WebAR

WebAR offers retailers the same benefits as other forms of AR currently do, namely increased engagement which leads to more sales and a more loyal brand following. However, the distinctive advantage offered by WebAR is that it makes AR experiences immediately accessible to consumers. When compared to other forms of mobile retail AR, such as branded AR apps, the act of downloading an app has acted as a significant barrier – a barrier which, unfortunately, only a small percentage of consumers have been willing to cross. While credit is due to these forward-thinking brands for taking the initiative and pioneering AR in retail, the fact that so much was left on the table simply can’t be denied.On the other hand, WebAR is much less of a burden on users, doing away with the need for downloading complex apps and ensuring consumers don’t lose interest by the time the app finally installs, thus skyrocketing the potential reach of AR experiences. The following are a few more noteworthy benefits of adopting WebAR:

    • Lower costs to develop AR experiences
    • Accessible on practically any browser
    • Device and platform-independent

WebAR is Posed to Take The Retail World By Storm – Are You Ready?

While there’s still some work to be done on WebAR’s development, it’s without a doubt poised to be the future of retail and it won’t be too long before we see it combined with other emerging technologies like AR-enabled transparent OLED screens. Working with renowned big-name retail brands including Samsung, Hewlett Packard, and Nike, Untitled Project have amassed a wealth of experience over the years in areas such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and app development and are at the forefront of retail AR in Singapore. Connect with us today if you’re ready to be one of the first in joining Singapore’s WebAR revolution.