The Rise of Interactive Tables in Experiential Design

October 23, 2020

It’s no secret that consumers demand experiences over simple products and services. In an age where customer experience is key to the success of practically any business, brands are constantly having to adapt and come up with newer and more creative approaches to appease their audiences and one-up the competition.

Take the retail industry as an example. Drawing inspiration from their online counterparts, leading brick-and-mortar retailers are incorporating the advantages offered by both online and offline sales to craft innovative and unique experiences that redefine experiential retail as we know it. One such way retailers are achieving this is through interactive tables.

What are Interactive Tables?

First appearing in exhibition and experience centers, interactive tables are essentially surfaces that display interactive content. Through a combination of technologies like projection mapping, touchscreens, and gesture detection, ideas, and concepts are brought to life in a manner that builds deeper connections with audiences and turns viewers into users. Regardless of what content they display or how users interact with it, interactive tables all serve the same main purpose: user engagement.
Over the years, we’ve seen interactive tables used successfully everywhere from corporate events to restaurants and their popularity keeps on growing. Touch tables, in particular, have proven to be especially popular in experiential retail design.

Touch Tables in Retail Design

With more and more retailers designing their store around experiences rather than products, interactive tables are serving purposes that go beyond simple information delivery. They’re being used as virtual catalogs, to influence purchase decisions, enhance customer service, and enhance the overall customer experience. Moreover, they’re extremely versatile. For instance, Ideum’s touch tables work just as well in a store as they do in experience centers.

Benefits of Retail Touch Tables

In addition to their novelty, retail touch tables:
Maximize engagement and interaction: Interactive tables maximize shopper engagement and interaction by presenting them with easily digestible content and an experience that encourages them to learn more about what’s on offer.
Minimize clutter: Get rid of your printouts, screens, pamphlets, and promotional materials. Interactive tables offer customers with convenient and simple access to all the product information they’ll ever need.
Display fully customizable, multi-format content: From text to interactive games, interactive tables can support a wide range of custom content in practically any format.
• Allow for seamless updates: Since all content displayed by interactive tables is digital, all you have to do is simply plug in new content to update your display.

Table Projection Mapping

There’s more to interactive tables than touch tables, however, and many brands are leveraging emerging technologies like table projection to provide their audiences with unforgettable experiences.
Starting as one-off events or experiments, table projection has rapidly become one of the hottest trends in the restaurant world. As the restaurant industry continues to become more competitive and consumers more demanding, we’re seeing a rise in the use of table projections to engage and entertain diners.
More than just something pretty to look at, table projections in restaurants add on to and elevate typical dining experiences, turning them into immersive experiences that diners simply can’t get enough of.

Interactive Tables in Singapore

As pioneers of experiential design in Singapore, Untitled Project has a range of professional Ideum interactive touch tables available for rent and are experts in the art of projection mapping. Whether you’re looking to take your retail store or experience center to the next level or offer your guests a whole new dining experience, we offer customizable solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today for more information on our touchscreen rental and experiential retail design services.