Is Virtual Reality Dead?

November 22, 2019

Virtual Reality was the talk of the town as recently as fiveyears ago. Tech giants like Samsung, Google, and Microsoft were all racing torelease their own proprietary VR gear, and VR apps and games were being churnedout like they were going out of style.

Nowadays, however, it seems like much of the buzz has dieddown and it seems like people have simply stopped talking about it – which begsthe question, is VR dead? Has it been forgotten? Not quite. Until recently, themain focus of VR tech was entertainment and gaming, and, despite taking a stepout of the limelight, VR has since shifted toward other applications likemarketing and education. Put simply, VR and the VR industry aren’t dead –they’ve just shifted focus.

Marketers Have Embraced Virtual Reality

Today, virtual reality companies have begun focusing on newways to use the tech. Brands like KFC and Walmart have already adopted VRemployee training and more uses for the technology are constantly being foundin fields like medicine and manufacturing. In terms of marketing, there’s nodenying that modern consumers have become immune to more conventional marketingefforts and are slowly but surely seeking out immersive and interactive brandexperiences. In turn, marketers are having to up their game to engage andimpress audiences.

VR in marketing is far from dead – it’s booming. Some sayit’s the “new” mobile, in the sense that it’s completely transforming the waybrands of all shapes and sizes approach marketing.  With “immersion” being one of the hottestbuzzwords for marketers right now, there’s nothing more immersive than avirtual reality experience.

Virtual reality has the power to transport users straightinto the experience and makes them feel like they’re a part of it, offeringbrands an ideal medium to tell their stories and deliver messages to theirconsumers. It’s the perfect tool for brands who want to flex their innovationand prove to their audiences that they’re at the forefront of their respectivefields. What’s more, custom VR experiences have become more accessible and,thanks to dedicated and professional VR companies like Untitled Project,there’s no need for brands to have an in-house virtual reality team or investin budget-busting VR gear. Still not convinced? Here’s why your brand needs VR.

Why You Need Virtual Reality

Capture your audience’s attention. A custom brandedVR experience is a surefire way to stand out from the competition and capture100% of your audience’s attention.  

Target audiences on an emotional level. A bigpart of the virtual reality experience is the emotional impact it can have on aperson. VR can make people think and feel things no other form of marketingcan, thus forming a deeper connection between a brand and its consumers.

Flexible. VR can be tailored to suit a range ofbudgets and goals. From online 360-degree videos viewed through entry-levelwearables like Google Cardboard, to immersive underwater experiences usingstate of the art gear, the technology really is something anyone and everyonecan adopt.

Virtual Reality and Untitled Project

2018 was a landmark year for VR companies in Singapore and the world over. At Untitled Project, we experienced incredible results from our pop-up VR activations for Conrad Maldives and Scoot Airlines, which landed us several awards including Experiential Marketing Agency of the Year and established our reputation as heroes for our support of the local arts community. As VR marketing continues to evolve there’s never been a better time than now to jump on the bandwagon. Contact us today to find out what makes us Singapore’s best virtual reality company.