Here’s How To Find A 3D Animation Company That’s The Best In Business

January 8, 2019

Your corporate videos reflect your brand. That’s basically why hiring a professional 3D animation company makes sense. When you’ve got a specialized production house in your corner, you’ll make creative storytelling easier and more accurate than ever.

However, here’s this million-dollar question that keeps coming in your mind—which is the best 3D animation company in Singapore or anywhere else in the world?

That’s why we’ve come up with this post. After reading this, you’ll know what all you’ve got to look for whenever you’re hiring a 3D animation company.

Check the company’s portfolio

Every good portfolio reflects the work’s quality delivered by an animation company. While looking through a company’s portfolio, you’ll get to know the kind of work it’s delivering. Analyzing portfolio, however, doesn’t mean just reviewing it. You’ve got to draw insights from the company’s previous works.

First off, you’ll have to check whether the previous work done by the animation company in question fits well with your brand. Then, you’ll have to see whether the work has a good story tied to it or not. Afterward, you need to check about the quality of animation and see how dynamic and smooth the video is. By doing all this, you’ll come to know what kind of work is produced by the 3D Animation company.

See how many projects the company has undertaken so far

Finding a good animation studio is all about analyzing the project-completion rate. First things first, every studio that’s got rich experience has done the hard work of honing its skills. So, long story short, for appointing a good animation studio, you’ll need to find the experience.

For instance, if a studio has a lot of good videos to its credit, it’ll exhibit its sheer experience. And hiring such companies is way better than being engaged with a studio that’s done just a handful of videos within the same period. So, basically, you’ll have to look for experience. The more experienced the studio or the more work the studio has done, the better its credibility becomes.

Understand the animation style

A 3D animation video should have graphics that are understandable. The drawings done to produce the animation work can be original, contemporary, or winsome. Which is why, you should always aim for an agency that delivers consistent graphics work that’s understandable and aesthetic.

What else? You will also have to understand whether the animation work can be synced with your company’s logo, brand, website, and colors. Then, you may even analyze the video to know what kind of character model design has been chosen by the company’s character designer. This way, you’ll come to know the level of detailing the studio has done in producing an animation work.

In the end

So, now, you know what all things have to be kept in mind before hiring a good 3D animation studio. In case you’re still confused, let Untitled Project help. The team of 3D animators at Untilled Project has the passion and expertise to deliver custom solutions as per your project needs. This team has the experience in doing everything from storyboarding to animatics and feature films. You name it. Our roster of clients includes impressive brands such as Tiger Beer, Hewlett Packard, Samsung S8, Johnnie Walker, and many more.

Don’t wait, now. If you’re looking for the experience and expertise in delivering world-class 3D Animation, get in touch with the team at Untitled Project. That’s how you’re going to breathe a new lease of life into your creative ideas.