Here’s How Augmented Reality Is Changing The Way Content Is Created And Consumed

July 5, 2018

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AR, Or Augmented Reality, has evolved as mainstream technology.

This evolution started with Pokémon Go. And, since then, this technology has refined itself and become more accessible.

Many companies are already using AR to promote products ranging from humanitarian campaigns to makeup.

So, overall, this tech is huge and it’s redefining content creation and consumption.

From bizarre to basic, a reliable AR Content Company creates experiences that engage and entertain.

Best of all, unlike virtual reality, AR doesn’t need a headset. And that’s why this content format is easier to adopt for both creators and consumers.

What’s AR, you ask?

It’s a revolutionary content format. Here, technology is used for overlaying digital content on the real world—that’s right in front of you. Means, this technology alters the existing space. And for experiencing AR, a consumer will just need a smartphone and a front-facing cam.

Now that you know a bit about AR and its importance, just see how it’s all set to rewrite content marketing.

AR is changing the content rulebook

Brands, today, use AR for designing powerful publicity and content campaigns that skyrocket engagement rates and conversions.

Through these campaigns, brands personalize visual content and showcase their offerings. For instance, brands are even using AR to let their customers/prospects try products virtually. This way, users can get an immersive experience that’s exciting and functional.

And, like always, an experience that’s exciting can go viral in no time.

That’s why well-built AR campaigns can be used by brands to gain traction.

But that’s not the only purpose of AR. This new technology is used by brands to transform content marketing, too. It has actually changed the way content is consumed.

There are many traditional ad agencies that use AR to make print media more interactive. Like, some print ads have a code that can be scanned by users. Once they’ve scanned it, they can see an actual 3D video or model of the product on their smartphone.

That’s precisely why AR is changing the way content is consumed. Right from retail to real estate, a well-managed AR strategy can let brands reshape their content marketing efforts.

Since you know that AR is changing content, now, see which all big brands are using AR to the max.

Brands that put AR to work

AR is growing fast

Augmented Reality - Untitled Project

Now, it has become a robust channel. And it has already been used by big companies to add immersive content into their marketing initiatives.

Many tech and media giants such as Facebook, Apple, Visa, and Sony are investing and innovating with this content format. Apart from them, some other biggies, such as Pepsi and Ikea, have used AR to take user engagement to the next level.

And, with that, many content creators and brands have gained unparalleled visibility into how users engage with ads. Through this content format, they’re getting rock-solid insights into reshaping their marketing efforts. This way, they engage consumers better and drive more conversions.

That’s why AR is definitely spreading like wildfire.

Do you want your brand to join this league of big brands?

If so, you need a technology partner that understands AR inside out.

In short, you need Untitled Project.

Untitled Project—creating augmented realities of any shape and size

Now, how Untitled Project can be your technology partner in developing AR–empowered immersive content?

Well, to begin with, this company has worked with not only AR but also mixed AR. That’s not all—it has even developed content using the earliest forms of AR such as Vuforia SDK. Also, it has expertise-backed experience in developing content for cutting-edge apps such as Apple’s ARKit and Facebook’s AR Studio.

Wait, there’s more.

As a trusted Retail Mapping Company in Singapore, Untitled Project has even developed its own AR toolkits and web-based platform agnostic AR.

This agency can even design AR content that’s supported by leading head-mounted displays such as Microsoft Hololens and others that support Unreal and Unity.

In a nutshell, this agency can let your brand create immersive augmented realities of any type. It even prototypes solutions that work well on different mobile platforms. And once the solution is ready, the company can even market it using iOS AR Kit and Facebook AR.

This way, brands having the expertise and experience of Untitled Project will transform AR breakdowns into digital breakthroughs.