3 Reasons Social Media Marketing Matters for Businesses

February 25, 2020

No matter whether you operate a small family-run outlet or a multi-national corporation, your business needs a social media presence. With over 3 billion people around the world regularly using social media, its potential to be harnessed as a lead generation and brand building tool in the business sphere is no secret yet, unfortunately, so many businesses still ignore, or worse, refuse to accept the value of a solid social media presence.

On the other hand, there are tons of businesses who wrongly believe that simply setting up social media profiles and posting every so often is enough. While simply setting up profiles and posting content already puts you miles ahead of other businesses who lack a social media presence, a little more effort is required – and this is where social media marketing becomes important.

Why is social media marketing important?

Ask any successful business owner and they’ll agree that marketing is one of the many crucial components that keeps them profitable. As a marketing tool, not only does social media enable brands to communicate their value to the public, but also allows potential customers to find and connect with brands directly. In fact, studies have shown that a whopping 75% of consumers will make a purchase after seeing a product or service on social media. Let’s take a closer look at exactly why social media marketing is important.

Why is social media marketing important?

Ask any successful business owner and they’ll agree that marketing is one of the many crucial components that keeps them profitable. As a marketing tool, not only does social media enable brands to communicate their value to the public, but also allows potential customers to find and connect with brands directly. In fact, studies have shown that a whopping 75% of consumers will make a purchase after seeing a product or service on social media. Let’s take a closer look at exactly why social media marketing is important.

Boosts Brand Awareness

People who don’t know about your brand can’t become your customers, it’s as simple as that. While having a basic social media profile is a great free way to increase brand visibility to potential future customers, proactive social media advertising and marketing takes brand awareness to a whole new level. A well thought out social media campaign can do wonders for this and is one of the most cost-effective ways available to businesses looking to increase their visibility. What’s more, actively marketing and advertising your social media presence can even contribute toward deeper brand loyalty among existing customers.

Establishes Authority

Modern-day consumers are becoming increasingly tech-savvy and most will carry out some quick online research on a particular brand or product before making a purchase decision. So, it makes sense that you’d want your brand to stand out from the competition and a surefire way to achieve this is by actively promoting any relevant industry content you publish on social media. This, in turn, cements your reputation as an industry expert, leaves a great first impression, and builds confidence in potential customers.

Attracts Engagement

Encouraging user engagement is one of the most important aspects of any social media campaign, but it’s something that can’t be mastered overnight and requires a fair amount of testing. Whatever the case, actively marketing your brand on social media is bound to attract user engagement and increases the likelihood of consumers picking your brand over competitors who aren’t as active online.

Now that we’ve taken a quick look at the importance of social media marketing for businesses, it’s up to you to decide on what to do next. Get in touch with us today to find out how working with one of Singapore’s leading social media agencies can help take your social media marketing to new heights.